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Join the Campden Society

We welcome new members.

Members help to shape the future of Campden; protect its architecture and open spaces; and together we can ensure that

residents and businesses in our community flourish.


The Society is looking for people with expertise in a broad range of fields, eg planning, environmental, fundraising, etc. to get more actively involved. Do you have experience and/or a particular interest that could help the town? If so, please let us know how you would like to help in the message field below.  If you are already a member of the Campden Society please contact us here.


Yearly Membership Fees


Individual      - £10.00


Joint/Family   - £15.00           

Please note that membership runs from the 1st of January each year


How to Join

Download an application form here


If you would like an application form posted to you or you have a query please use the form below:

Membership Enquiry

Thank you for your enquiry

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