"Protecting the architectural and historic quality of Chipping Campden, its open spaces and its natural setting."
Neighbourhood Development Plan -
Our response to CDC Local Plan Partial Update March 2024
Members' briefing notes on the draft NDP Consultation April 2024
Neighbourhood Development Plan - Local Green Space Allocation Advice Additional Sites
CDC Green Infrastructure Consultation (2021)
We are working through the local details of CDC's Green Infrastructure Strategy. This strategy will be used to inform the CDC’s partial update of the district’s Local Plan - which sets a framework for planning decisions such as how the Council will meet the need for new homes, employment, open spaces, schools and leisure facilities. We will be canvassing local people for their thoughts on Campden’s green spaces to include in our appraisal.
Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (2021)
We are making you aware of a document produced by Cotswold District Council, entitled Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (2021).
This document is produced every few years to ascertain what parcels of land might be available and suitable for development of five houses or more. It would seem at first sight to be a long difficult document, but if you read the first two sections here, it clearly explains why, how, and against what standards it has been produced.
You can then read the section dedicated to Chipping Campden and see what has been considered, and the result of those deliberations.
This document, along with other information, will be used in the creation of the Chipping Campden Neighbourhood Development Plan. It is not a consultative document, but comments and observations can be made to Cotswold District Council, as indicated in the document.