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AGM, Neighbourhood Plan & Planning


At the AGM there are some statutory items to be covered but it is also an opportunity for the Committee to tell members about their actions in the previous year. I gave a Chairman’s Report and Geoff Hammond gave a Planning Report. Copies of both documents are appended below.

We said goodbye to Judy Lusty after a number of years on the Committee and appointed George Egglestone in her place.

Neighbourhood Plan

The Town Council held an open event in the Town Hall on the draft Neighbourhood Plan to hear the views of residents which proved to be largely supportive. Written comments were requested by 1 May and we have submitted The Society comments to the Town Clerk. Over the time the Plan has been prepared we have liaised with both the Town Council and the resident members of the working parties. We support the main thrust of the Plan which in the key area of the siting of new housing proposes a totally different solution to that contained in the draft CDC Local Plan.


We continue to review planning applications and comment where necessary. The main new event is that an Appeal has been lodged by the developer over CDC refusing their application to build 30 houses on land at the Leasows at the bottom of Dyers Lane. The Society strongly object to this proposal and will make our views known to the Inspector.


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