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Message from our President

The objectives of the Campden Society have never been more relevant than now to the present day challenges that face our community. With demands for housing and the resulting pressures on parking, traffic management and community services, it is inevitable that these needs will impact on the unique Architectural Heritage of our town.

The Society entirely accepts that, as in the past, change is a natural way forward for a vibrant community. It is the solution to these challenges that really matters. Whilst it might be argued that such issues are the responsibility of the appropriate councils, the role of the Society as a recognised amenity body is equally important. monitoring at every level plans for the future, and itself submitting constructive ideas.

The Society welcomes the opportunity to work with the Councils and give the support when in agreement, but will not hesitate to lobby for alternative solutions.

The Society has a wealth of experience amongst its members that with your support can be drawn upon in facing the issues that confront us both now and in the future.

We all have one thing in common - a love of Campden and its ongoing heritage and prosperity.

Ray Leigh, The Campden Society President 2017/18.


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Registered Charity Number: 261665


© 2023 The Campden Society


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